C tipa savienotāju ar polipropilēna kamolveida savienotāju parasti izmanto kopā ar E tipa adapteri. Tomēr šo C tipu var izmantot arī ar A vai F tipa adapteri, kā arī ar atbilstoša izmēra DP (putekļu spraudni).
2 in. camlock type B PP Coupler Female Coupler x Male NPT Thread Black Polypropylene Camlock Fitting. The Type B coupler is ordinarily used with a Type F adapter. However, this Type B coupler can be used with a Type A or E adapter as well as a DP (Dust
Camlock type D PP coupler is ordinarily used with a Type A adapter. However, this Type D coupler can be used with a type E or F adapter as well as a DP of matching size. PP couplers are equipped with stainless steel handles, rings and pins to extend life